League age 6 - 7. 7 year old's who have not played at least one season of Tee Ball or Single A should play at this level. Coach pitch. Children learn how to hit off of a live pitcher. After 5 pitches are thrown without the ball being put into fair territory, the batter will get 2 swings off of the tee. If the ball is not put into fair territory on the 2nd swing, it is a strikeout. Children continue to be coached in the field during play and develop playing skills. Four innings are played or a 90 minute time limit – which ever comes first. Coaches continue to emphasize teamwork and good sportsmanship.
AALeague age 7 – 8. 7 year old's must have played AA as a 6 year old in 2024 or at least one season of Tee Ball. Coach assisted, player-pitch baseball. Children learn how to pitch and how to hit off of a live player pitching. After 5 balls are thrown without a hit or a strike out, the coach steps in to pitch. Children continue to be coached in the field during play and develop playing skills. Four innings are played or a two hour limit – which ever comes first. Coaches continue to emphasize teamwork and good sportsmanship.
AAALeague age 9 – 10. Player-pitch competitive play. At this level children will start learning the finer details of the game. This includes: stealing bases, following signals, strategies in the field and more. This is for intermediate players who can play up to the expected skill criteria.
MajorsLeague age 11 – 12. Children are introduced to higher expectations of play and are able to demonstrate a high level of sportsmanship and responsibility.
Intermediate (50/70)League age 12 - 13. You must be 12-13 years of age. The Intermediate Division was formed by Little League to bridge the transition to Juniors. It is available to accommodate players whose skills permit rules closer to conventional baseball (leading off, pick-offs, balks), but on a field not as large; 50 foot pitching mound and 70 foot bases. You may not “play up” to this division.
JuniorsLeague age 13 – 15. More advanced play. 60 foot, 6 inch mound and 90 foot bases. This is the next step before high school baseball.
SeniorsLeague age 15 - 16, using a conventional 90-foot diamond with a pitching distance of 60 feet, 6 inches.
*League age is the players age on 8/31 of the current season. Little League age calculator can be found
Rules of PlayA - Coming soon!
AA - Coming Soon!